0001 Operator ID:= 0002 Instrument ID:=Paste Filler #1 0003 OK to Fill Timer:=10 0006 Zero Tolerance:=11339810.0000 0007 Units of Measure:=2 [g ] 0004 WAVERSAVERŪ:=2 [3.50 Hz] 0005 Number of Averages:=20 0008 Decimal Point:=2 0009 Total Decimal Point:=4 000B Totalizer:=0 000C Auto Print:=0 000D Motion Tolerance:=4535.9238 000E Auto-Zero Tolerance:=25000.0000 000F Capacity:=19958.1 0010 Infrared Enable:=0 0011 Active Target Weight:=0.0000 0012 Active Num Cycles:=1 0013 OK to Fill Input:=0 0014 Discharge:=0 0015 Auto Discharge:=0 0016 OK to Discharge:=0 0017 Aux Device Timer:=10 0018 Discharge Gate Proof:=0 0019 Discharge Gate Timer (s):=5 0024 OK to Discharge Timer (s):=10 001A Use Auto-Zero:=0 001B Auto-Zero Tolerance Time:=2.0000 001C Tare Limit:=25000.0000 004A Fill-Complete Signal is :=1 002A Baud Rate:=4 [9600] 002B Parity:=0 [NONE] 002C Data bits:=1 [8] 0022 Refill:=0 0023 Initial Refill:=0 003A Discharge Duration Timer (s):=30 0050 Date/Time:=23 Feb 2025 15:11 0051 Learning:=0 005A Balance Bands:=10 005B Balance Samples:=25 005C Timezone:=-5 005E Display Absolute Weights:=0 0044 Main board A/D Converter:=1 0444 Channel 2 Converter:=1 0844 Channel 3 Converter:=1 0C44 Channel 4 Converter:=1 02F2 Mapped Float[0]:=0.0000 06F2 Mapped Float[1]:=0.0000 0AF2 Mapped Float[2]:=0.0000 0EF2 Mapped Float[3]:=0.0000 12F2 Mapped Float[4]:=0.0000 16F2 Mapped Float[5]:=0.0000 1AF2 Mapped Float[6]:=0.0000 1EF2 Mapped Float[7]:=0.0000 021A Jbox1Sensors=3 [4] 061A Jbox2Sensors=3 [4] 0054 #0 Custom Text:= 0454 #1 Custom Text:= 0854 #2 Custom Text:= 0C54 #3 Custom Text:= 1054 #4 Custom Text:= 1454 #5 Custom Text:= 1854 #6 Custom Text:= 1C54 #7 Custom Text:= 2054 #8 Custom Text:= 2454 #9 Custom Text:= 0059 DeviceNet Communications:=1 [ON] 0036 DeviceNet Baud:=0 [125kbps] 0037 DeviceNet Node:=0 0087 SlaveMode 0=0 0487 SlaveMode 1=0 0887 SlaveMode 2=0 0C87 SlaveMode 3=0 1087 SlaveMode 4=0 0056 RIO Communication:=0 [OFF] 0057 ControlNet Communication:=0 [OFF] 0058 Profibus Communications:=1 [ON] 031A Profibus Node:=2 031B Profibus Output Size:=64 031C Profibus Input Size:=64 0055 Hardy Control Link Communications:=3 [1/sec] 02F1 Node#0 IP Addr:= 06F1 Node#1 IP Addr:= 0AF1 Node#2 IP Addr:= 0EF1 Node#3 IP Addr:= 12F1 Node#4 IP Addr:= 16F1 Node#5 IP Addr:= 1AF1 Node#6 IP Addr:= 1EF1 Node#7 IP Addr:= 22F1 Node#8 IP Addr:= 26F1 Node#9 IP Addr:= 2AF1 Node#10 IP Addr:= 2EF1 Node#11 IP Addr:= 32F1 Node#12 IP Addr:= 36F1 Node#13 IP Addr:= 3AF1 Node#14 IP Addr:= 3EF1 Node#15 IP Addr:= 005D Talk Control:=FFFF 0200 Reference weight:=0.0000 0201 Span Weight:=4535924.0000 0210 Gravity Correction Factor=1.000433 0211 SensrType=0 [0-3mV/V] 0204 Cal type:=not cal'd 020E Peak mV Reading:=3 060E Peak mV Reading:=3 0A0E Peak mV Reading:=3 0E0E Peak mV Reading:=3 020D Force Limit:=10 0EC4 Analog[3] Input Low at:=0.00 0EC5 Analog[3] Input High at:=100.00 0EC6 Analog[3] Output Low at:=0.000 0EC7 Analog[3] Output High at:=10.000 0280 Serial Number:=5186 0281 Model Number:=HI-3010 0282 Program Part Number:=0650-0119-01 0283 Firmware Revision:= 0100 Application Type:=1 [Filler] 0064 Demo Mode:=0 02F0 MAP=HO1.0=+HFO0,HVO0=+CSI0,HSO146=+CSI2,HO1.9=+CSI3,HO1.10=+CSI4,HO2.0=+CSI5,HFO69=+CSI7,HFO57=+CSI8,HO1.6=+CSI9,HO1.11=+CSI10,HSO136=+CSI11,CFO0=+HFI2,CSO2=+HVO0,CSO3=+HSO136,CSO4=+HSO146,CSO5=+HO2.0,CFO6=+HFO69,CFO7=+HFO57,CSO8=+HO0.0,CSO9=+HI2.4,CFO10=+HFI3,CSO12=+HI2.15,CSO13=+HI3.13,CSO14=+HI4.1,HO0.0=+HI2.2,HFO0=+HI2.1+HI2.2+HI2.3 0300 Active Ingredient:=1 0301 #1 Ingredient Name:=Paste 1 0302 Total:=0.0000 0303 Cycles:=0 0304 Fills:=2 0305 Speed:=1 [Dual] 0306 Target Weight:=48.0000 0307 Preact:=0.0000 0308 Auto Preact:=1 0309 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 030A Max. Weight:=598.0000 030B Min. Weight:=605.0000 030C Max. %:=0.0000 030D Min. %:=0.0000 030E Jog On Time:=0.0000 030F Jog Count:=1 0310 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 0311 Fill Time:=60 0312 Wait Timer:=1.000000 0313 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 0314 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 0315 Auto Fast:=0 0316 Fast Gate Time:=5 0317 Fast Proof Switch:=0 0318 Slow Proof Switch:=0 0319 Slow Gate Time:=5 0701 #2 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 2 0702 Total:=0.0000 0703 Cycles:=0 0704 Fills:=1 0705 Speed:=1 [Dual] 0706 Target Weight:=45359.2383 0707 Preact:=0.0000 0708 Auto Preact:=0 0709 Target Min/Max:=1 [Percent] 070A Max. Weight:=453.5924 070B Min. Weight:=453.5924 070C Max. %:=1.0000 070D Min. %:=1.0000 070E Jog On Time:=2.0000 070F Jog Count:=5 0710 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 0711 Fill Time:=120 0712 Wait Timer:=2.000000 0713 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 0714 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 0715 Auto Fast:=0 0716 Fast Gate Time:=5 0717 Fast Proof Switch:=0 0718 Slow Proof Switch:=0 0719 Slow Gate Time:=5 0B01 #3 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 1 0B02 Total:=0.0000 0B03 Cycles:=0 0B04 Fills:=1 0B05 Speed:=0 [Single] 0B06 Target Weight:=45359.2383 0B07 Preact:=0.0000 0B08 Auto Preact:=0 0B09 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 0B0A Max. Weight:=453.5924 0B0B Min. Weight:=453.5924 0B0C Max. %:=1.0000 0B0D Min. %:=1.0000 0B0E Jog On Time:=2.0000 0B0F Jog Count:=5 0B10 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 0B11 Fill Time:=120 0B12 Wait Timer:=2.000000 0B13 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 0B14 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 0B15 Auto Fast:=0 0B16 Fast Gate Time:=5 0B17 Fast Proof Switch:=0 0B18 Slow Proof Switch:=0 0B19 Slow Gate Time:=5 0F01 #4 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 4 0F02 Total:=0.0000 0F03 Cycles:=0 0F04 Fills:=1 0F05 Speed:=0 [Single] 0F06 Target Weight:=45359.2383 0F07 Preact:=0.0000 0F08 Auto Preact:=0 0F09 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 0F0A Max. Weight:=453.5924 0F0B Min. Weight:=453.5924 0F0C Max. %:=1.0000 0F0D Min. %:=1.0000 0F0E Jog On Time:=2.0000 0F0F Jog Count:=5 0F10 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 0F11 Fill Time:=120 0F12 Wait Timer:=2.000000 0F13 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 0F14 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 0F15 Auto Fast:=0 0F16 Fast Gate Time:=5 0F17 Fast Proof Switch:=0 0F18 Slow Proof Switch:=0 0F19 Slow Gate Time:=5 1301 #5 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 5 1302 Total:=0.0000 1303 Cycles:=0 1304 Fills:=1 1305 Speed:=0 [Single] 1306 Target Weight:=45359.2383 1307 Preact:=0.0000 1308 Auto Preact:=0 1309 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 130A Max. Weight:=453.5924 130B Min. Weight:=453.5924 130C Max. %:=1.0000 130D Min. %:=1.0000 130E Jog On Time:=2.0000 130F Jog Count:=5 1310 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 1311 Fill Time:=120 1312 Wait Timer:=2.000000 1313 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 1314 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 1315 Auto Fast:=0 1316 Fast Gate Time:=5 1317 Fast Proof Switch:=0 1318 Slow Proof Switch:=0 1319 Slow Gate Time:=5 1701 #6 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 6 1702 Total:=0.0000 1703 Cycles:=0 1704 Fills:=1 1705 Speed:=0 [Single] 1706 Target Weight:=45359.2383 1707 Preact:=0.0000 1708 Auto Preact:=0 1709 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 170A Max. Weight:=453.5924 170B Min. Weight:=453.5924 170C Max. %:=1.0000 170D Min. %:=1.0000 170E Jog On Time:=2.0000 170F Jog Count:=5 1710 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 1711 Fill Time:=120 1712 Wait Timer:=2.000000 1713 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 1714 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 1715 Auto Fast:=0 1716 Fast Gate Time:=5 1717 Fast Proof Switch:=0 1718 Slow Proof Switch:=0 1719 Slow Gate Time:=5 1B01 #7 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 7 1B02 Total:=0.0000 1B03 Cycles:=0 1B04 Fills:=1 1B05 Speed:=0 [Single] 1B06 Target Weight:=45359.2383 1B07 Preact:=0.0000 1B08 Auto Preact:=0 1B09 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 1B0A Max. Weight:=453.5924 1B0B Min. Weight:=453.5924 1B0C Max. %:=1.0000 1B0D Min. %:=1.0000 1B0E Jog On Time:=2.0000 1B0F Jog Count:=5 1B10 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 1B11 Fill Time:=120 1B12 Wait Timer:=2.000000 1B13 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 1B14 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 1B15 Auto Fast:=0 1B16 Fast Gate Time:=5 1B17 Fast Proof Switch:=0 1B18 Slow Proof Switch:=0 1B19 Slow Gate Time:=5 1F01 #8 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 8 1F02 Total:=0.0000 1F03 Cycles:=0 1F04 Fills:=1 1F05 Speed:=0 [Single] 1F06 Target Weight:=45359.2383 1F07 Preact:=0.0000 1F08 Auto Preact:=0 1F09 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 1F0A Max. Weight:=453.5924 1F0B Min. Weight:=453.5924 1F0C Max. %:=1.0000 1F0D Min. %:=1.0000 1F0E Jog On Time:=2.0000 1F0F Jog Count:=5 1F10 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 1F11 Fill Time:=120 1F12 Wait Timer:=2.000000 1F13 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 1F14 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 1F15 Auto Fast:=0 1F16 Fast Gate Time:=5 1F17 Fast Proof Switch:=0 1F18 Slow Proof Switch:=0 1F19 Slow Gate Time:=5 2301 #9 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 9 2302 Total:=0.0000 2303 Cycles:=0 2304 Fills:=1 2305 Speed:=0 [Single] 2306 Target Weight:=45359.2383 2307 Preact:=0.0000 2308 Auto Preact:=0 2309 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 230A Max. Weight:=453.5924 230B Min. Weight:=453.5924 230C Max. %:=1.0000 230D Min. %:=1.0000 230E Jog On Time:=2.0000 230F Jog Count:=5 2310 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 2311 Fill Time:=120 2312 Wait Timer:=2.000000 2313 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 2314 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 2315 Auto Fast:=0 2316 Fast Gate Time:=5 2317 Fast Proof Switch:=0 2318 Slow Proof Switch:=0 2319 Slow Gate Time:=5 2701 #10 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 10 2702 Total:=0.0000 2703 Cycles:=0 2704 Fills:=1 2705 Speed:=0 [Single] 2706 Target Weight:=45359.2383 2707 Preact:=0.0000 2708 Auto Preact:=0 2709 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 270A Max. Weight:=453.5924 270B Min. Weight:=453.5924 270C Max. %:=1.0000 270D Min. %:=1.0000 270E Jog On Time:=2.0000 270F Jog Count:=5 2710 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 2711 Fill Time:=120 2712 Wait Timer:=2.000000 2713 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 2714 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 2715 Auto Fast:=0 2716 Fast Gate Time:=5 2717 Fast Proof Switch:=0 2718 Slow Proof Switch:=0 2719 Slow Gate Time:=5 2B01 #11 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 11 2B02 Total:=0.0000 2B03 Cycles:=0 2B04 Fills:=1 2B05 Speed:=0 [Single] 2B06 Target Weight:=45359.2383 2B07 Preact:=0.0000 2B08 Auto Preact:=0 2B09 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 2B0A Max. Weight:=453.5924 2B0B Min. Weight:=453.5924 2B0C Max. %:=1.0000 2B0D Min. %:=1.0000 2B0E Jog On Time:=2.0000 2B0F Jog Count:=5 2B10 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 2B11 Fill Time:=120 2B12 Wait Timer:=2.000000 2B13 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 2B14 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 2B15 Auto Fast:=0 2B16 Fast Gate Time:=5 2B17 Fast Proof Switch:=0 2B18 Slow Proof Switch:=0 2B19 Slow Gate Time:=5 2F01 #12 Ingredient Name:=INGREDIENT 12 2F02 Total:=0.0000 2F03 Cycles:=0 2F04 Fills:=1 2F05 Speed:=0 [Single] 2F06 Target Weight:=45359.2383 2F07 Preact:=0.0000 2F08 Auto Preact:=0 2F09 Target Min/Max:=0 [Weight] 2F0A Max. Weight:=453.5924 2F0B Min. Weight:=453.5924 2F0C Max. %:=1.0000 2F0D Min. %:=1.0000 2F0E Jog On Time:=2.0000 2F0F Jog Count:=5 2F10 Jog Off Time:=1.0000 2F11 Fill Time:=120 2F12 Wait Timer:=2.000000 2F13 Mode:=0 [Sequential] 2F14 Fast Target Weight:=0.0000 2F15 Auto Fast:=0 2F16 Fast Gate Time:=5 2F17 Fast Proof Switch:=0 2F18 Slow Proof Switch:=0 2F19 Slow Gate Time:=5
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