Map Dictionary:
CMD0 - Specifies input and output locations for the command interface
e.g. CMD0=DSI25*DSO20
Unit will look for commands starting at DeviceNet input word 25 and send acknowlegement to output word 20
Please distinguish between digit zero "0", and upper-case letter "O".
HI, HSI - Hardy Input Table
Bit "y" of word "x" in table is specified as: HIx.y
16-bit word "x" in table is specified as: HSIx
- HSI0 = Digital Inputs Word
- HI0.0 = Digital Input 1
- HI0.1 = Digital Input 2
- HI0.2 = Digital Input 3
- HI0.3 = Digital Input 4
- HI0.4 = Digital Input 5
- HSI1 = Instrument-Status Word
- HI1.0 = A/D error
- HI1.1 = A/D failure
- HI1.5 = Real time clock failure
- HI1.6 = In Motion
- HI1.8 = NVR Failure
- HI1.9 = Infrared Failure
- HSI2 = Filler/Dispenser Outputs, bits HI2.0 - HI2.15
- HI2.0 = Auxiliary Device
- HI2.1 = Fast Fill or Fast Dispense
- HI2.2 = Slow Fill or Slow Dispense
- HI2.3 = Discharge
- HI2.4 = Fill Complete or Dispense Complete
- HI2.5 = Refill
- HI2.6 = Change Bags
- HI2.15 = Any Alarm
- HSI3 = Filler/Dispenser Outputs, bits HI3.0 - HI3.15
- HI3.0 = AutoZero Failed or Bag Change Alarm
- HI3.1 = Discharge Gate clogged or Refill Timeout
- HI3.2 = Discharge Gate Stuck Open
- HI3.3 = Discharge Gate Stuck Shut
- HI3.4 = Feed Timeout
- HI3.5 = Fast Gate Stuck Open
- HI3.6 = Fast Gate Stuck Shut
- HI3.7 = Lost OK-to-Fill or Lost OK-to-Dispense
- HI3.8 = Jog Count Alarm
- HI3.9 = Jog Gate Stuck Open
- HI3.10 = Jog Gate Stuck Shut
- HI3.11 = Not OK to Discharge
- HI3.12 = Not OK to Fill or Not OK to Dispense
- HI3.13 = Overfill or Over-Dispense
- HI3.14 = Slow Gate Stuck Open
- HI3.15 = Slow Gate Stuck Shut
- HSI4 = Filler/Dispenser Outputs, bits HI4.0 - HI4.15
- HI4.0 = Tare Limit alarm or Over-Refill
- HI4.1 = Underfill or Under-Dispense
- HI4.2 = Disp Gate Open at Refill
- HI4.3 = Refill Stuck Open
- HI4.4 = Refill Stuck Shut
- HI4.5 = Tare Timeout
- HI4.6 = Insufficient Material
- HI4.7 = Imbalance
- HSI5 = Command Status Word. This 16-bit word holds the result status of mapped commands.
- Status = 1,2,0x40 - command failed due to A/D error, A/D failure, or motion
- Status -8 (0xFFF8) = Hard Calibration failed, not enough ADC counts between high and low steps
- Status -6 (0xFFFA) = C2 Calibration failed, no C2 sensors detected
- Status -10 (0xFFF6) = C2 Calibration failed, bad C2 sensors detected
- HSI6 = Watchdog Word. Each bit represents the corresponding node(bit0=Node0 etc.) sending data. Five seconds after the last data packet arrives form any node, its bit is set to zero.
HO - Hardy Output Table
- HO0.0 = Output Relay 1
- HO0.1 = Output Relay 2
- HO0.2 = Output Relay 3
- HO0.3 = Output Relay 4
- HO0.7 = Software LED (on back of unit)
- HO1.0 = Discharge command
- HO1.1 = Discharge proof switch
- HO1.2 = Fast fill/dispense proof switch
- HO1.3 = Slow fill/dispense proof switch
- HO1.4 = OK to fill/dispense
- HO1.5 = OK to Discharge
- HO1.6 = Tare
- HO1.7 = Refill high
- HO1.8 = Refill low
- HO1.9 = Start
- HO1.10 = Stop
- HO1.11 = Clear alarm
- HO1.12 = Refill proof switch
- HO1.13 = Save Totalizer in non-volatile memory
- HO2.0 = Do C2 Calibration
- HO2.1 = Do Traditional Calibration Low (Zero weight)
- HO2.2 = Do Traditional Calibration High (Span weight)
- HO2.3 = Clear All Totalizers
- HO2.4 = Clear Totalizer 1
- HO2.5 = Clear Totalizer 2
- HO2.6 = Clear Totalizer 3
- HO2.7 = Clear Totalizer 4
- HO2.8 = Clear Totalizer 5
- HO2.9 = Clear Totalizer 6
- HO2.10 = Clear Totalizer 7
- HO2.11 = Clear Totalizer 8
- HO2.12 = Clear Totalizer 9
- HO2.13 = Clear Totalizer 10
- HO2.14 = Clear Totalizer 11
- HO2.15 = Clear Totalizer 12
- HO3.0 = Send Custom Email 0
- HO3.1 = Send Custom Email 1
- HO3.2 = Send Custom Email 2
- HO3.3 = Send Custom Email 3
- HO3.4 = Send Custom Email 4
- HO3.5 = Send Custom Email 5
- HO3.6 = Send Custom Email 6
- HO3.7 = Send Custom Email 7
- HO3.8 = Send Custom Email 8
- HO3.9 = Send Custom Email 9
- HO4.0 = State Control INHIBIT Bit
- HO4.1 = State Control TSTOP Bit
- HO4.2 = State Control ESTOP Bit
- HO4.3 = State Control DUMP Bit
- HO4.4 = State Control DUMPED Bit
HSO - Hardy Short Output table. A table of 16-bit integers.
Note that HSO is a distinct table, and does not refer to HO in any way.
- HSO0 = Cycles Ordered for Active Ingrdient, 0=continuous
- HSO1 = Ingr. 1 Speed. 0=single, 1=dual
- HSO2 = Ingr. 2 Speed
- HSO12 = Ingr. 12 Speed
- HSO13 = Ingr. 1 Fills or Dispenses
- HSO24 = Ingr. 12 Fills or Dispenses
- HSO25 = Ingr. 1 Auto Preact On. 0=no, 1=yes
- HSO36 = Ingr. 12 Auto Preact On
- HSO37 = Ingr. 1 Tolerance Selection, 0=weight 1=percent
- HSO48 = Ingr. 12 Tolerance Selection
- HSO49 = Ingr. 1 Jog Count (max permitted jogs)
- HSO60 = Ingr. 12 Jog Count
- HSO61 = Ingr. 1 Fill or Dispense Time (s) (max allowed time for operation)
- HSO72 = Ingr. 12 Fill or Dispense Time (s)
- HSO73 = Ingr. 1 Auto Fast On. 0=no, 1=yes (automatic adjustment of fast wt for dual-speed units)
- HSO84 = Ingr. 12 Auto Fast On
- HSO85 = Ingr. 1 Fast Gate Time (s). (max time for fast gate proof sw to verify gate operation)
- HSO96 = Ingr. 12 Fast Gate Time (s)
- HSO97 = Ingr. 1 Fast Proof Switch On. (0=don't use fast gate proof sw, 1=use proof sw)
- HSO108 = Ingr. 12 Fast Proof Switch On.
- HSO109 = Ingr. 1 Slow Proof Switch On. (0=don't use slow gate proof sw, 1=use proof sw)
- HSO120 = Ingr. 12 Slow Proof Switch On.
- HSO121 = Ingr. 1 Slow Gate Time (s). (max time for slow gate proof sw to verify gate operation)
- HSO132 = Ingr. 12 Slow Gate Time (s).
- HSO133 = OK-to-Fill/OK-to-Dispense timer (s). (max time to wait for OK-to-Fill signal)
- HSO134 = Totalizer On. (0=no, 1=yes.)
- HSO135 = Auto Print On. (0=no, 1=yes.)
- HSO136 = OK-to-Fill Input. (0=don't wait for OK-to-Fill, 1=do wait for it.)
- HSO137 = Discharge Enable. (0=don't enter discharge sequence, 1=enter discharge sequence)
- HSO138 = AutoDischarge Enable. (0=wait for Discharge command, 1=discharge without waiting for command)
- HSO139 = OK-to-Discharge Enabled. (0=don't wait for OK-to-Discharge input, 1=wait for it)
- HSO140 = Auxiliary Device time (s). (max time allowed for Auxiliary Device operation)
- HSO141 = Discharge Proof On. (0=don't wait for Discharge Proof Sw., 1=wait for it)
- HSO142 = Discharge Gate Timer (s). (max time for discharge proof sw to verify gate operation)
- HSO143 = Use Auto Zero. (0=don't auto zero, 1=auto zero when within autozero range of zero)
- HSO144 = Refill On. (0=do not attempt refill, 1=refill when needed)
- HSO145 = Initial Refill On. (0=do not attempt refill, 1=refill before operation)
- HSO146 = Active Ingredient Number. (1=ingr 1, 2=ingr 2, .. 12=ingr 12)
- HSO147 = WAVERSAVER setting. (0=Off, 1=7.5Hz, 2=3.5Hz, 3=1.0Hz, 4=0.5Hz, 5=0.25Hz)
- HSO148 = Calibration Type. (0=Traditional, 1=C2, -1=not calibrated)
- HSO149 = Ingr. 1 Mode (0=Seq, 1=Sim)
- HSO150 = Ingr. 2 Mode
- HSO151 = Ingr. 3 Mode
- HSO152 = Ingr. 4 Mode
- HSO153 = Ingr. 5 Mode
- HSO154 = Ingr. 6 Mode
- HSO155 = Ingr. 7 Mode
- HSO156 = Ingr. 8 Mode
- HSO157 = Ingr. 9 Mode
- HSO158 = Ingr. 10 Mode
- HSO159 = Ingr. 11 Mode
- HSO160 = Ingr. 12 Mode
- HSO161 = Print Streaming Weight
HFI - Hardy Float Input Table
- HFI0 = Gross Weight lb
- HFI1 = Net Weight lb
- HFI2 = Gross Weight
- HFI3 = Net Weight
- HFI4 = Tare Weight lb
- HFI5 = weight Fraction 1 (with -SD option, fraction of wt currently on input 1)
- HFI6 = weight Fraction 2 (with -SD option, fraction of wt currently on input 2)
- HFI7 = weight Fraction 3 (with -SD option, fraction of wt currently on input 3)
- HFI8 = weight Fraction 4 (with -SD option, fraction of wt currently on input 4)
- HFI9 = capacity
- HFI10 = Fill Slope (lb/s during last second before fast/slow switch)
- HFI11 = wtVariance (measure of noise in weight reading)
- HFI12 = finalWt(weight of last fill)
HFO - Hardy Float Output Table
- HFO0 - user-defined floating point scratchpad variable, saved in non-volatile RAM
- HFO1 - user-defined floating point scratchpad variable, saved in non-volatile RAM
- HFO2 - user-defined floating point scratchpad variable, saved in non-volatile RAM
- HFO3 - user-defined floating point scratchpad variable, saved in non-volatile RAM
- HFO4 - user-defined floating point scratchpad variable, saved in non-volatile RAM
- HFO5 - user-defined floating point scratchpad variable, saved in non-volatile RAM
- HFO6 - user-defined floating point scratchpad variable, saved in non-volatile RAM
- HFO7 - user-defined floating point scratchpad variable, saved in non-volatile RAM
- HFO8 - Active Target Weight
- HFO9 - Ingr.1 Target Wt
- HFO10 - Ingr.2 Target Wt
- HFO20 - Ingr.12 Target Wt
- HFO21 - Ingr.1 Preact Wt
- HFO32 - Ingr.12 Preact Wt
- HFO33 - Ingr.1 Max Wt (Tolerance in wt, above target wt)
- HFO44 - Ingr.12 Max Wt
- HFO45 - Ingr.1 Min Wt (Tolerance in wt, below target wt)
- HFO56 - Ingr.12 Min Wt
- HFO57 - Ingr.1 Max % (Tolerance in %, above target wt)
- HFO68 - Ingr.12 Max %
- HFO69 - Ingr.1 Min % (Tolerance in %, below target wt)
- HFO80 - Ingr.12 Min %
- HFO81 - Ingr.1 Jog On Time (s)
- HFO92 - Ingr.12 Jog On Time (s)
- HFO93 - Ingr.1 Jog Off Time (s)
- HFO104 - Ingr.12 Jog Off Time (s)
- HFO105 - Ingr.1 Wait Time (s)
- HFO116 - Ingr.12 Wait Time (s)
- HFO117 - Ingr.1 Fast Target Wt (wt below target wt where dual unit switches to slow feed)
- HFO128 - Ingr.12 Fast Target Wt
- HFO129 - Zero Tolerance (wt near zero that can be taken as zero)
- HFO130 - Auto Zero Tolerance (wt near zero that can be zeroed)
- HFO131 - Calibration Low Wt (wt used for "zero" of calibration)
- HFO132 - Calibration Span Wt (wt used for "span" of traditional calibration)
- HFO133 - AutoZero Tolerance Time (time allowed for autozeroing)
- HFO134 - Tare Limit (max wt that can be tared off)
- HFO135 - Remote Weight (weight source when Demo Mode = Remote Weight)
- HFO136-HFO139 = Analog-Out Slot 0 Channel 0-3
- HFO140-HFO143 = Analog-Out Slot 1 Channel 0-3
HTO - Hardy Text Output Table
- HTO0 - Operator ID (max 3 chars)
- HTO1 - Instrument ID (max 19 chars)
- HTO2 - Custom Text0 (max 20 chars)
- HTO3 - Custom Text1 (max 20 chars)
- HTO11 - Custom Text9 (max 20 chars)
- HTO12 - Ingredient 1 Name (max 19 chars)
- HTO23 - Ingredient 12 Name (max 19 chars)
HVO The members in this table are displayed in the configured units (lb, kg, oz, g)
- HVO0 - Active Target Weight
HTI - Hardy Text Input Table
- HTI0 - Calibrator ID (max 3 chars)
- HTI1 - Model Number (max 20 chars)
- HTI2 - Program Part Number (max 20 chars)
- HTI3 - Firmware Revision Number (max 20 chars)
HII - Hardy Integer Input Table
- HII0 - Serial Number
- HII1 - Totalizer1 Cycles
- HII12 - Totalizer12 Cycles
- HII13 - Current State
HDI - Hardy Double Input Table
- HDI0 - Totalizer1 Wt
- HDI11 - Totalizer12 Wt
PO, PI, PFO - Programmed Sequence Outputs
- PO0.0-PSO#0 primary input ("SET" for Timer PSOs, not used for others)
- PO0.1-PSO#0 secondary input ("CLR" for Timer PSOs, not used for others)
- PI0.0-PSO#0 primary output ("Equality" for State & Weight PSOs, "Active for Timer PSOs)
- PI0.1-PSO#0 secondary output ("Greater Than" for Weight PSOs, not used for others)
- PI0.2-PSO#0 secondary output ("Less Than" for Weight PSOs, not used for others)
- PFO0-PSO#0 weight source for Weight PSOs, not used for others
- etc to PSO#63
DI, DO, DFI, DFO, DSI, DSO, DII, DIO, DTI, DTO - DeviceNet tables.
DeviceNet tables contain 125 16-bit words.
- DI, DO = DeviceNet input/output, addressed as bits
- DFI, DFO = DeviceNet input/output, addressed as floats
- DSI, DSO = DeviceNet input/output, addressed as 16 bit integers
- DII, DIO = DeviceNet input/output, addressed as 32 bit integers
- DTI, DTO = DeviceNet input/output, addressed as text
RI, RO, RFI, RFO, RSI, RSO, RII, RIO, RTI, RTO - RIO (Allen-Bradley® Remote I/O tables). Used if you have an RIO option card.
The RIO table is 64 words long, of which the first 32 are mapped to and from the network.
The rest is used as a scratchpad area for short commands.
Note that the block transfer area immediately follows discrete area, and depends on rack size selected.
- RI,RO = RIO input/output, addressed as bits
- RFI, RFO = RIO input/output, addressed as floats
- RSI, RSO = RIO input/output, addressed as 16 bit integers
- RII, RIO = RIO input/output, addressed as 32 bit integers
- RTI, RTO = RIO input/output, addressed as text
CI, CO, CFI, CFO, CSI, CSO, CII, CIO, CTI, CTO - Communications Network tables (used if you have a ControlNet, EtherNet/IP or Profibus option card)
The Communications Input table is 125 words long.
The Communications Output table is 127 words long, but the first two words are reserved, if ControlNet.
Otherwise, 125 words long.
- CI, CO = Communications Network input/output, addressed as bits
- CFI, CFO = Communications Network input/output, addressed as floats
- CSI, CSO = Communications Network input/output, addressed as 16 bit integers
- CII, CIO = Communications Network input/output, addressed as 32 bit integers
- CTI, CTO = Communications Network input/output, addressed as text
MI, MO, MFI, MFO, MSI, MSO, MII, MIO, MTI, MTO - Modbus tables (used if you have Modbus)
- MI, MO = Modbus input/output, addressed as bits
- MFI, MFO = Modbus input/output, addressed as floats
- MSI, MSO = Modbus input/output, addressed as 16 bit integers
- MII, MIO = Modbus input/output, addressed as 32 bit integers
- MTI, MTO = Modbus input/output, addressed as text